Hyundai Elantra
- Petrol engines 1,6, 1,8 and 2,0 l
   Compression check
   Gear belt
   Adjustment of a tension of a gear belt
   Tension adjustment поликлинового a belt
   Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator
   Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves on engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l (MLA)
   Hydraulic jacks of backlashes of valves of the engine of 1,6 l
   Installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
   Directing to a chain
   Installation of camshafts
   The mechanism of change of the moment of opening and closing of valves (CVVT) on engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l
   Repair of a head of cylinders
   Engine support
   Removal and engine and transmission installation
   The block of cylinders
   Cranked shaft
   The piston
   The air filter (ACL)
   Final collector
   Inlet collector
   System of release of the fulfilled gases
   Search and elimination of malfunctions
The diesel engine of 2,0 l
Greasing system
Cooling system
Fuel system
Monitoring systems and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Ignition system
System of preliminary heating of the diesel engine
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
Power shafts, forward and back axes
Suspension bracket
Brake system
Air central air
The electric equipment
Electric schemes

Gear belt


Engines of 1,6 l

Engines of 2,0/1,8 l


    Loosen the a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the water pump. Turn out a bolt of fastening of the generator. Remove a pulley of the water pump and driving a belt.
    Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft.
    Remove a casing of a gear belt.

Note a direction of rotation of a gear belt for its repeated installation in initial position.

    Remove a pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt.
    Remove a gear belt.
    Remove directing roller.
    Turn out a bolt and remove a camshaft pulley.

Be cautious not to damage a wrench a head of the block of cylinders.

    Turn out a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft.
    Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft and the plug.
    On engines of 1,6 l remove a roller of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt.


Pulleys, pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and single pulley


    Check up pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft, a pulley of the mechanism of a tension and a single pulley on absence of non-uniform deterioration, cracks and damages. Replace them as required. Check up ease and smoothness of rotation of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension and a single pulley, and also absence of extraneous noise at rotation. Replace them as required.
    Replace pulleys if there is a lubricant leak.

Gear belt


    Check up a gear belt on absence of traces of oil, water or a dust. If it is necessary replace a belt. Insignificant traces should be threadbare by a dry fabric or a paper. Do not clean a gear belt solvent. After repair of the engine or adjustment a belt tension, check up a belt condition. In the presence of following defects, replace a gear belt.

    • Strongly do not bend a gear belt and do not change a direction of its rotation.
    • do not allow oil and lubricant to contact with a gear belt as it will lead to its destruction.

The description
1. A rigid return surface of a gear belt

The surface has a glossy appearance. Rigidity of a surface is that that the nail does not leave traces on a belt

2. Cracks on a return surface of a gear belt
3. Cracks or stratification of a gear belt
4. Strongly worn out teeths

The tooth party is worn out, fibres, a cord and the rubber basis become thus visible

5. Strongly worn out teeths (last stage)

The tooth party is worn out, attritions become thus visible and the thickness of a tooth is reduced

6. Cracks in the basis of teeths
7. Absence of a tooth
8. Strong deterioration of one party of a belt

The normal belt should have an equal lateral end face, as though cut off by a sharp knife

9. Cracks on a lateral face of a gear belt


Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l


    Establish the plug, and a pulley of a cranked shaft as is shown in drawing. Pay attention to a direction of their installation the inhaling Moment: 170–180 Nm.
    Establish a pulley of a camshaft and fix a bolt, having tightened its demanded moment. The inhaling moment: 100–120 Nm. Combine adjusting labels on pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft with indexes, thus the piston of the first cylinder should be established in ВМТ in a compression step. Establish the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and directing roller.
    Establish a gear belt on a camshaft pulley.

After installation of a gear belt on a camshaft pulley, pressing a pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt of a drive to the water pump be convinced that its sagging from outside tension is excluded.

    Turn clockwise a cranked shaft of the engine on one turn and combine a label on a pulley of a gear belt of a cranked shaft with the index on the block of cylinders of the engine. Check up that the label on a camshaft pulley was combined with the index on a cover of a head of cylinders.

Do not turn a cranked shaft of the engine counter-clockwise. The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of the mechanism of a tension and a directing roller: 43–55 Nm.

    Repeatedly check up a tension of a gear belt. By pressing the tense branch of a gear belt effort 20 Н the belt should cave in approximately on 4–6 mm.
    Establish casings of a gear belt. The inhaling moment: 8–10 Nm.
    Establish a pulley of a cranked shaft. The inhaling moment: 140–150 Nm.
    Establish a pulley of the water pump.
    Establish поликлиновой a belt and adjust its tension.

Engines of 1,6 l


    Establish the plug, and a pulley of a cranked shaft as is shown in drawing. Pay attention to a direction of their installation the inhaling Moment: 140–150 Nm.
    Establish a pulley of a camshaft and fix a bolt, having tightened its demanded moment. The inhaling moment: 80–100 Nm. Establish directing roller and fix a bolt, having tightened its demanded moment. The inhaling moment: 43–55 Nm.
    Combine adjusting labels on pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft with indexes, thus the piston of the first cylinder should be established in ВМТ in a compression step.
    At installation of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt first of all establish the tension mechanism, a spring and распорную the plug. Temporarily tighten bolts. Then, temporarily compress the tension mechanism, having inserted a bolt into the extended aperture. Establish the back end of a flat spring opposite to a forward cover, as is shown in drawing.
    Fix the mechanism of the tension which have been taken away to the water pump.
    Establish a gear belt on a pulley of a cranked shaft.
    Establish a gear belt on a camshaft pulley, be thus convinced that its sagging from outside tension is excluded.
    Tighten bolts of fastening of the mechanism of a tension. Turn clockwise a cranked shaft of the engine on one turn and combine a label on a pulley of a gear belt of a cranked shaft with the index on the block of cylinders of the engine. Check up that the label on a camshaft pulley was combined with the index on a cover of a head of cylinders. The moment of an inhaling of a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension: 20–27 Nm
    Repeatedly check up a tension of a gear belt. By pressing the tense branch of a gear belt effort 49 Н the gear belt should cave in to the centre of a head of a bolt of fastening of the mechanism of a tension.
    Establish casings of a gear belt. The inhaling moment: 8–10 Nm.
    Establish a pulley of a cranked shaft. Be convinced that the pin of a cranked shaft enters into a pulley aperture. The inhaling moment: 140–150 Nm. Establish a belt of a drive of the fan and adjust its tension. Establish a pulley of the water pump. Establish поликлиновой a belt and adjust its tension.