Hyundai Elantra
- Petrol engines 1,6, 1,8 and 2,0 l
   Compression check
   Gear belt
   Adjustment of a tension of a gear belt
   Tension adjustment поликлинового a belt
   Adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the generator
   Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves on engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l (MLA)
   Hydraulic jacks of backlashes of valves of the engine of 1,6 l
   Installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
   Directing to a chain
   Installation of camshafts
   The mechanism of change of the moment of opening and closing of valves (CVVT) on engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l
   Repair of a head of cylinders
   Engine support
   Removal and engine and transmission installation
   The block of cylinders
   Cranked shaft
   The piston
   The air filter (ACL)
   Final collector
   Inlet collector
   System of release of the fulfilled gases
   Search and elimination of malfunctions
The diesel engine of 2,0 l
Greasing system
Cooling system
Fuel system
Monitoring systems and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Ignition system
System of preliminary heating of the diesel engine
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
Power shafts, forward and back axes
Suspension bracket
Brake system
Air central air
The electric equipment
Electric schemes

Repair of a head of cylinders



    The special tool 09221–32001, 09221–11000 in sequence shown in drawing for 2–3 passes turn out bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders.
    The special adaptation 09222 – 28000, 09222–28100 compress a spring of the valve and remove from a core of the valve crackers. Slowly release the adaptation compressing a spring, and remove a valve spring, a plate of a spring and the valve from a head of the block of cylinders.

For storage of valves prepare the numbered polyethylene packages or containers.

    Пассатижами 09222–29000 remove маслоотражательный a cap.

Do not use repeatedly маслоотражательный a cap.


Head of the block of cylinders


    Examine a head of the block of cylinders on absence of damages, cracks, leaks of oil and cooling liquid. If necessary, replace a head of cylinders.
    Remove scale, hermetic and a deposit. Compressed air blow channels for greasing.
    Metal ruler and щупом in six directions A, B... Check up planeness of a head of the block of cylinders. If necessary, перешлифуйте a head of the block of cylinders.

Standard deviation from planeness: less than 0,03 mm.
Maximum permissible deviation from planeness: 0,05 mm.



    Wire brush clear the valve.
    Examine each valve on presence of deterioration, damages and deformation in zones And and In and, if necessary, repair or replace it. If the core end face is corroded or worn out, as required restore facets. This restoration should be limited by the minimum removal of metal.

Also check up a thickness of working edges.

Thickness of a working edge of the valve:

Inlet valves: 1,15 mm:

- Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l: 1,15 mm;
- Engines of 1,6 l: 1,1 mm.

Final valves:

- Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l: 1,35 mm;
- Engines of 1,6 l: 1,3 mm.

Maximum permissible thickness of a working edge of the valve:

Inlet valves: 0,8 mm;
Final valves: 1,0 mm.

Valve spring


    Examine each spring of the valve on absence of cracks and damages. Measure length of a spring in a free condition. Establish a spring on a flat horizontal surface and measure a deviation of the top part of a spring from a vertical plane.

Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l

Length of a spring without loading: 48,86 mm
Length of a spring under loading of 18,3 kg: 39 mm
Length of a spring under loading of 40,0 kg: 30,5 mm
Maximum deviation of a spring from a vertical plane: no more than 1,5
Maximum permissible deviation of a spring from a vertical plane: no more than 3

Engines of 1,6 l

Length of a spring without loading: 44 mm

Length of a spring under loading of 21,6 kg: 35 mm
Length of a spring under loading of 45,1 kg: 27,2 mm
Maximum deviation of a spring from a vertical plane: no more than 1,5
Maximum permissible deviation of a spring from a vertical plane: no more than 4

Directing plugs of the valve

Check up a backlash between a core and the directing plug of the valve. If the backlash exceeds maximum permissible value, replace directing plug of the valve with the plug of the increased repair size.

Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l

Backlash between a core and the directing plug of the valve:

Inlet valves: 0,02–0,05 mm
Final valves: 0,035–0,065 mm

Maximum permissible backlash between a core and the directing plug of the valve:

Inlet valves: 0,1 mm
Final valves: 0,13 mm

Engines of 1,6 l

Backlash between a core and the directing plug of the valve:

Inlet the valve: 0,03–0,06 mm
Final the valve: 0,05–0,08 mm

Maximum permissible backlash between a core and the directing plug of the valve:

Inlet the valve: 0,1 mm
Final the valve: 0,15 mm

Plug-in saddle of the valve

Check up a valve saddle on presence of an overheat and infringement of the working surface contacting to a plate of the valve. If necessary repair or replace a valve saddle.

Before replacement or repair of a saddle of the valve check up deterioration of the directing plug of the valve. If the directing plug of the valve is worn out, replace it.

Replacement of a saddle of the valve


Any plug-in saddle of the valve which has been worn out to a limit, it is necessary to replace at a room temperature with wall cutting, as is shown in drawing.
    After removal of an old saddle of the valve it is necessary to chisel a nest under the increased size of a saddle of the valve. The sizes for processing are resulted in the table.

The increased sizes of a plug-in saddle of the valve of engines 1,8 and 2,0 л3

The description
Label of the size
Saddle height, mm
Diameter of a nest in a head of cylinders, mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,3 mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,6 mm
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,3 mm
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,6 mm

The increased sizes of a plug-in saddle of the valve of engines of 1,6 l

The description
Label of the size
Saddle height, mm
Diameter of a nest in a head of cylinders, mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,3 mm
The saddle of the inlet valve increased by 0,6 mm
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,3 mm
The saddle of the final valve increased by 0,6 mm
    Heat up a head of cylinders to temperature 250C and запрессуйте a new saddle of the valve of the repair size. At запрессовке the valve saddle should have a room temperature. After installation of a new saddle of the valve it is necessary to execute valve grinding in. The width of a working facet of a saddle of the valve should be within technical requirements.

Width of a working facet of a saddle of the inlet valve:

- Engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l: 1,1–1,5 mm;
- Engines of 1,6 l: 0,8–1,2 mm.

Width of a working facet of a saddle of the final valve: 1,3–1,7 mm

Replacement of the directing plug of the valve


    Using the adaptation 09221 – 22000 A/B выпрессуйте the plug of the valve from a head of cylinders in a direction to the block of cylinders. Put to an aperture of a head of cylinders the new directing plug of the valve of the increased repair size.
    The adaptation for installation of the directing plug of the valve 09221–22000 A/B запрессуйте the plug in a head of cylinders. The adaptation provides запрессовку plugs on strictly certain depth. Measure выступание the top part of the directing plug of the valve from a head of cylinders. Pay attention that выступание the directing plug of the valve variously for inlet and final valves.
    After запрессовки directing plugs of valves insert new valves and check up a backlash. Each time at replacement of directing plugs of valves check up and, if necessary, replace saddles of valves.

The increased sizes of the directing plug of the valve

The increased sizes
Label of the size
Diameter of an aperture in a head of the block of cylinders



  1. Before installation clear all details.
  2. Apply a thin film engine oil on all surfaces of sliding.
    Establish a spring saddle. Using the special adaptation 09222 – 22001, establish маслоотражательный a cap.
  1. Do not use repeatedly old маслоотражательные caps.
  2. Wrong installation маслоотражательного a cap adversely influences its working edge for the account эксцентриситета and leads to engine oil leak through directing plugs of the valve.
At installation be cautious not to overwind маслоотражательный a cap.
    Grease a core of the valve with engine oil and establish the valve. At installation of the valve do not apply the big efforts not to damage маслоотражательный a cap. Check up smoothness of moving of the valve.
    Establish springs and holders of springs. Springs are necessary for establishing the party covered with enamel, to holders of springs.
    The special adaptation 09222 – 28000, 09222–28100 compress a spring. Establish crackers and remove the special adaptation for spring compression.

At spring compression be convinced that маслоотражательный the cap is not clamped by the adaptation for spring compression.

    Clear all привалочные surfaces of the block of cylinders and a head of the block of the cylinder. Check up marks presence on a lining of a head of cylinders. Establish a new lining of a head of the block of cylinders so that the surface with marks has been directed to a head of cylinders.
    In the sequence shown in drawing tighten bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders.

The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of engines of 1,8 and 2,0 l

М10: 25 Nm to tighten on a corner 60–65 to tighten on a corner 60–65
М12: 30 Nm to tighten on a corner 60–65 to tighten on a corner 60–65

The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of engines of 1,6 l:

30 Nm to tighten on a corner 90 to weaken all bolts 30 Nm to tighten on a corner 90