Hyundai Elantra
Petrol engines 1,6, 1,8 and 2,0 l
The diesel engine of 2,0 l
Greasing system
Cooling system
Fuel system
Monitoring systems and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Ignition system
System of preliminary heating of the diesel engine
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
Power shafts, forward and back axes
- Suspension bracket
   Rack of a forward suspension bracket
   The bottom lever of a forward suspension bracket
   The forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
   Rack of a back suspension bracket
   Cross-section levers of a back suspension bracket
   Longitudinal levers of a back suspension bracket
   The back stabilizer of cross-section stability
   Corners of installation of forward wheels
   Deterioration of tyres
   Shift of wheels
   Check of withdrawal and course instability of the car
   Wheel palpation
   Tightening of nuts of fastening of a wheel
   Search and elimination of malfunctions
   Diagnostics of deterioration of tyres
Brake system
Air central air
The electric equipment
Electric schemes

Rack of a forward suspension bracket



    Remove a forward wheel.
    Separate an arm of a brake hose of brake system from a rack of a forward suspension bracket.

Do not tear and do not damage a brake tube.

    Turn away a nut of the top fastening of a rack.
    Turn away a nut, get bolts of fastening of a rack to a rotary fist and get a rack from under a car wing.



    Edge of a flat screw-driver remove a dustproof cap.
    Special adaptation J38402, – 42 compress a spring of a rack of a forward suspension bracket.

For spring compression use only the reliable tool.

    Turn away a lock nut in the top part of a rod of the shock-absorber. Remove a rack support, the top support of a spring, a cylindrical spring, a dustproof cover and the bottom support of a spring.



    Check up the bearing of a support of a rack on absence of deterioration or damages.
    Check up rubber details on absence of damages or deterioration of their condition. Check up a cylindrical spring on absence of a deflection and elasticity loss.
    1) Check up and adjust pressure in tyres.
    2) Load the car cargo which usually in it is transported.
    3) For spring check make a control trip, then stage by stage execute following checks.
    4) Check up each shock-absorber, consistently strongly pressing and lifting on the corner of a bumper closest to the checked shock-absorber. At each check make identical efforts and mark resistance by pressing and return to an initial condition. Compare results of check to the car, which quality of movement the satisfactory. Both shock-absorbers on one axis of the car should show identical resistance. If resistance variously execute following checks.
    5) Lift a back axis of the car so to unload suspension bracket racks.
    6) Turn out bolts of the bottom fastening of racks. Compress racks with various speed on all course of the shock-absorber and in both directions. Compare results for two parties of the car at compression and return to an initial condition. Resistance of return of a rack in an initial condition usually stronger than compression (approximately from one to two times). The right and left racks should show identical results. A difference of results between forward and back racks – the normal phenomenon.
    Check up the shock-absorber on presence abnormal resistance or extraneous noise.

1) Check up the moments of an inhaling of carving connections of fastening of a rack. The inappropriate moments of an inhaling can lead to occurrence of extraneous noise.
2) If all fastenings are perfectly in order, for isolation of damaged unit execute check according to item 3 and 4).
3) For check make a control trip.
4) If one of racks of a back suspension bracket works with blows, lift a back axis of the car so to unload suspension bracket racks. Turn out bolts of the bottom fastening of racks. Check up a rack on abnormal noise for what quickly and completely compress it. If hissing noise is audible only is a normal phenomenon.
5) Other undesirable noise can be found out deliberate rocking of the car upwards and downwards. Any sound except hissing is abnormal, therefore it is necessary to replace such rack.

    Check up the shock-absorber on leak presence.
    1) Completely stretch the shock-absorber, simultaneously turning a rod of the shock-absorber and check up area about rod consolidation.
    2) Check up presence of leaks of a liquid in a zone of consolidation of a rod.
    3) the Insignificant touch of a liquid does not serve as the reason for shock-absorber replacement as insignificant leak provides rod greasing.
    4) Considerable leak of a liquid from the shock-absorber can be found easily out in the wake of a liquid, thus it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber.

Shock-absorber recycling


    Completely extend a shock-absorber rod.
    Drill an aperture to remove gas from the cylinder.

Gas leaving the shock-absorber is safe, however it is necessary to be careful not to be traumatised from a taking off shaving.



    Establish the bottom support of a spring so that its ledges have entered into apertures of a plate of a spring.
    Establish on the shock-absorber a dustproof cover. Special adaptation J38402, – 42 compress a spring of a rack of a forward suspension bracket. After full compression of a spring establish it on the shock-absorber.

Establish a cylindrical spring the marks directed to a rotary fist.

    Completely extend a rod of the shock-absorber and establish the top support of a spring and a rack support.

Combine a D-shaped aperture in the top support of a spring with лыской on a shock-absorber rod.

    Correctly arrange the top and bottom ends of a cylindrical spring, having established them in dredging, and screw самоконтрящуюся a nut, but do not tighten it definitively.
    Remove the adaptation for spring compression. Tighten самоконтрящуюся a nut the demanded moment of an inhaling. The inhaling moment: 50–70 Nm. Grease the top bearing of an amortisation rack and establish a dustproof cap.

Be convinced that lubricant has not got on rubber details of a support of a rack.



    At installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket be convinced that interfaced surfaces and an identification label have preliminary cleared is directed to a back part of the car. Tighten all carving connections by the demanded moments.

The inhaling moment:

Nut of fastening of the top part of a rack: 45–60 Nm
Nut of fastening of a rotary fist to a rack: 130–150 Nm

    Fix on a rack a brake hose and gauge ABS wire.