Hyundai Elantra
Petrol engines 1,6, 1,8 and 2,0 l
The diesel engine of 2,0 l
Greasing system
Cooling system
Fuel system
Monitoring systems and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Ignition system
System of preliminary heating of the diesel engine
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
- Power shafts, forward and back axes
Power shaft
Power shaft with SHRUS of ball type and Birfield type
Power shaft with SHRUS Birfield (B. J.) and трипоидного type (T. J.)
Rotary fist and nave of a forward wheel
Back axis/nave of a back wheel
Search and elimination of malfunctions
Suspension bracket
Brake system
Air central air
The electric equipment
Electric schemes
Power shaft with SHRUS Birfield (B. J.) and трипоидного type (T. J.)
Do not assort knot of a support of rollers.
- For greasing of SHRUS use only special greasing.
- At SHRUS assemblage it is necessary to establish new collars.
Remove collars and pull together a protective cover from a ball SHRUS (T.J.) a power shaft.
Be careful not to damage a protective cover. |
Special пассатижами remove a lock ring and a hammer through a brass core bring down a support of rollers трипоидного connections from a power shaft.
Clear a support of rollers трипоидного connections.
Remove collars and pull together protective covers of a ball SHRUS (B.J.) and SHRUS Birfield (B.J.).
If the protective cover is repeatedly used before removal of a cover for its protection, wrap up Slots a power shaft a sticky tape.
Check up a condition шлицов a power shaft.
Check up on absence of traces of a rust, water and extraneous subjects in a protective cover of SHRUS Birfield (B.J.).
Check up a support of rollers трипоидного connections on absence of deterioration or corrosion.
Check up deepening in the SHRUS (T.J.) on absence of deterioration or corrosion.
Check up dynamic damper on absence of damages.
Before installation of a cover for its protection wrap up Slots a power shaft from outside трипоидного the hinge (T.J.) a sticky tape.
Put greasing on a power shaft and establish a cover.
Cars with engines of 1,6 and 1,8 l with МКП |
467,5 (2/0) mm
Cars with petrol engines of 2,0 l with АКП and diesel engines with МКП |
469 (2/0) mm
For installation dynamic damperа arrange SHRUS Birfield (B.J.) on a straight line in relation to a shaft, establish damper and fix its small collar.
Enclose greasing in a protective cover трипоидного the SHRUS (T.J.) also establish a cover on the hinge.
Establish collars of fastening of a cover of the SHRUS трипоидного type.
Add in SHRUS Birfield so much greasing, how many it has been wiped during hinge check.
Establish covers.
Fix a protective cover of SHRUS Birfield collars.
Fix covers so that the length of a power shaft corresponded to demanded values.
For the control of pressure of air in a hinge cover трипоидного type support the demanded distance between collars of fastening of a protective cover or length of a power shaft at a tightening of collars. The nominal length of power shafts is resulted in the table.
Nominal length of power shafts with SHRUS Birfield (B.J) and трипоидного type (T.J)
The name
Left-hand side
The right party
Cars with engines of 1,6 and 1,8 l with МКП |
513,2 (27,5/–21,6) mm
789,2 (27,5/–21,6) mm
Cars with engines of 2,0 l with АКП |
514,2 (27,5/–21,6) mm
799,2 (27,5/–21,6) mm
Cars with diesel engines of 2,0 l with МКП |
515 mm
799 mm