Hyundai Elantra
Petrol engines 1,6, 1,8 and 2,0 l
The diesel engine of 2,0 l
- Greasing system
   Check of level of engine oil
   Engine oil replacement
   Replacement of the oil filter
   Engine oil choice
   The oil pump of petrol engines
   The oil pump of diesel engines
   Oil radiator of diesel engines
Cooling system
Fuel system
Monitoring systems and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Ignition system
System of preliminary heating of the diesel engine
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
Power shafts, forward and back axes
Suspension bracket
Brake system
Air central air
The electric equipment
Electric schemes

Replacement of the oil filter

All engines Hyundai are equipped by the high-quality, disposable oil filter. This filter is recommended as the filter of replacement on all cars. For maintenance of normal work of the engine high-quality filters should be used only.

At filter replacement be convinced that the rubber lining from the old oil filter is completely removed with привалочной surfaces of the block of cylinders.

At engine oil replacement be careful, as oil is hot and it is possible to burn.

Petrol engines


    Special key turn out the oil filter.
    Grease with a thin layer of pure engine oil a rubber sealing ring of the new oil filter.
    Screw the oil filter and tighten its demanded moment. The inhaling moment: 12–16 Nm.
    Start the engine and check up absence of leaks of oil After an engine stop check up level of oil and, if necessary, finish it to norm.

Diesel engines


    Loosen the a stopper plum of oil with a copper washer also merge a small amount of engine oil from the oil filter.
    Loosen the a plastic top cover before occurrence of a sealing ring of round section, then completely merge engine oil. (Use a wrench 09263 – 27100). Remove the top cover. Be convinced that the filtering element of the oil filter is removed together with a plastic top cover. Replace on new filtering element of the oil filter and a sealing ring of round section.
    Tighten the top cover of the oil filter the demanded moment. The inhaling moment: 23–25 Nm.
    Establish on a stopper a new copper washer and screw a stopper in the bottom aluminium cover. The inhaling moment: 8–10 Nm. Start the engine and check up absence of leaks of oil. After an engine stop check up level of oil and, if necessary, finish it to norm.